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Instituto Pró-Livro

  • 360 degrees Communication
  • Books, Reading
  • PR, Influencer Marketing, Special Projects

Jô Ribes Comunicação has participated in the entire evolution of Instituto Pró-Livro (, since its founding, in 2007. IPL created a series of actions in its trajectory to achieve its main objective: to form a Brazil of readers. 

Its flagship is the Portraits of Reading Survey in Brazil, the largest and most complete study of the behavior of Brazilian readers. With an international methodology, Pró-Livro created a historical series. And JRC was able to work side by side with the IPL and contribute to its purpose and success. With each edition of the research, new strategies, numerous press conferences, national and even international dissemination, participation in Book Biennials, building partnerships and expansion of actions and steps. Among the numerous initiatives of Jô Ribes Comunicação's participation within these objectives, the Mãe Lê Pra Mim (Mom Read To Me) Campaign stands out, with interviews with major opinion makers about who was their greatest influence on reading. The campaign, broadcast free of charge by Rede Globo, for 30 days, was also broadcast on radio, print and digital media. The promotion of reading is in the DNA of Jô Ribes Comunicação.